
Library Field Day

field day
We're hosting a field day on the lawn of the First Christian Church next door! Stop by on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 2:30pm for lots of fun outdoor games and relay races, and snacks! All ages welcome! Stop by early at 11:30 for the free NOCAC meals for anyone under 18!

Community Day

community day
Our Summer Reading Program's theme is All Together Now, and we're hosting a Community Day to acknowledge and meet some of the important people in Wauseon! The Wauseon Mayor, School Superintendent, Police Department, Fire Department, sheriff's Office and more will be joining us on the lawn of the first christian church next door from 1:30 to 2:30pm on Thursday, June 22, 2023! Come early at 11:30 for a free meal for anyone under 18 from NOCAC!
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